
Hi! I'm Brooke.

Monday Mentions 💛 - EWG Dirty Dozen + Clean 15

Published about 1 year ago • 2 min read

Environmental Working Group.

EWG’s 2023 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™ is finally here, and the results are shocking!

Strawberries were again on top of the Dirty Dozen list with 22 different pesticides on one single strawberry!

Buying organic is the best option because they are less likely to have traces of pesticides.

While organic produce is the better option, is it sometimes hard for you to find organic produce in your grocery store?

Or are you financially strapped and can't afford to pay the extra money for organic produce?

Stick to the EWG CLEAN FIFTEEN™ list of the fruits and vegetables because they are least likely to have pesticide residues when organic options aren’t accessible or affordable.

The EWG DIRTY DOZEN™ list helps you know what fruits and vegetables you should buy organic whenever possible.

Another recommendation for the fruits and vegetables that are on the DIRTY DOZEN™ list, is for you to grow them yourself.

In case you missed it, I just wanted to give you a quick reminder to get free early access to the new garden/farm planner Seedtime.

It’s the first home garden planner that lets you easily visualize exactly when to seed, transplant, or harvest in your garden all year long - based on your location.

Till next time 💛

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In case you scrolled all the way to the end...

Grab your EWG’s 2023 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™ HERE!

p.s. When you're ready, here are some ways I can help your personal + business life to thrive...

1. Are you looking to reduce your stress and anxiety, eat healthier + improve your emotional intelligence? Join the regenerative revolution by signing up for the Re:SELF experience (spaces are limited!)

2. Take this quiz to see if your business is a fit to be featured in future Monday Mentions Newsletters + Podcast. Sharing your expertise is my greatest pleasure 💛

3. Ready to take care of yourself without the overwhelm? Grab your free 'Self Care Guide' HERE!

Hi! I'm Brooke.

I am an inclusive, triathlon junkie, lover of God, my husband + kids, book formatting nerd, and a regenerative revolutionizer. Yes, I love to live every day to its fullest + smile BIG while I still have teeth and I invite you to come along for the journey 💛

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